Muscle - real name Theodore Sexton - spend his early teenage years under strict medical supervision as dermatologists attempted to diagnose what they believed to be a unique skin condition: At the age of fourteen the outer layers of his skin dissolved overnight, exposing the raw muscle and sinew beneath. What astounded his doctors was that Sexton experienced no pain or discomfort from his condition; in fact, he thrived.

Determined not to allow his condition to become a handicap, Sexton began a rigorous and extreme course of diet and exercise, but it was only when his trainers reported he could bench-press over three hundred pounds - at a time when he weighed considerably less than that himself - that it was realised he was a superhuman.

By the age of twenty-one, Sexton decided that the world owed him for making him a "freak of nature." It was around this time that he was recruited by Torture into The Chaingang.

Muscle always went bare-chested, and wore only tough jeans and workboots.