Stars and Stripes Trilogy

Stars and Stripes Forever - the first in an alternate history trilogy - asks a simple question: What if the American Civil War had not run its course and, instead, the two armies of North and South had combined against a common enemy: Britain? If the two armies had joined forces, they would have been the single largest army in the world. The American military were also more open to new technology than the British, who were complacent and saw no need for change, and so the U.S. would also have been equipped with far more modern weapons. It was this idea which first sparked off the project in Harrison's imagination. He had the idea, but how could he bring about the end of the Civil War and reconcile the warring armies? And what story would he tell as a result?

Harrison knew he had to end the Civil War before the conflict was too far advanced - beyond a certain point, reconciliation would be impossible because the killing during this war was on a such a massive scale. In Harrison's story, the American civil War ends after the Battle of Shiloh, the first battle of the war. The war ends because both North and South believe they are being invaded by British soldiers.