This is Tharg, the alien editor of 2000 AD. And yes, he really is an alien - I've met him!

In the background, the 2000 AD logo from what many consider to be the "classic" era, from prog 178 (Sep 1980) to prog 554 (Dec 1987). I confess that I still prefer the original logo (I've been trying to create a 3D version for years, but it's always defeated me).

These teeny-tiny guys are the bane of Tharg's life... They feed off "thrill-power" (that mysterious energy that most comics lack, but 2000 AD has in abundance). I created two models: the basicThrill-Sucker and this "Sarge" version. These are the Lesser-Spotted Thrill-Suckers (or maybe they're the Greater-Spotted... I can never remember). I like this guy, mostly because he's my first serious attempt at creating an organic figure.

From the pages of Robo-Hunter... Hoagy is Sam Slade's inept robotic side-kick / assistant / permanent annoyance. This was the first model where I really started to get to grips with Cinema 4D, the modelling program. Hoagy is completely poseable, right down to the individual parts of his fingers. That, in theory, makes him relatively easy to pose and animate. (And for those long-time 2000 AD readers: yes, that's a Space Spinner he's playing with!)

Nemesis' armoured living spaceship! Requested by my old pal Rich after he saw my Hoagy model. This proved to be incredibly tricky to create: I probably spent more time fiddling about with the cockpit than I spent on the rest of the model.

See the Blitzspear in action!
This is a Windows Media file. Right-click on the link and select "Save Target As..." (or "Save Link As...").
New! Another Blitzspear animation!

The true star of Ro-Busters, Ro-Jaws is a former garbage droid who specialises in being rude. I was most of the way through modelling this when I posted a preview on the 2000 AD website. My fellow fan Mcwild responded with a much, much, much, much better version of Ro-Jaws! I'm trying to console myself with the fact that he's a professional 3D graphic artist.

Artie Gruber, the cyborg nemesis of the Harlem Heroes - one of my favourite characters from 2000 AD's early days.

Christmas 1977, and the Mighty Tharg displays his new range of 2000 AD Mego action figures... Ah, if only such things had really existed!

Fans of genuine Mego figures will notice a few nods toward authenticity, the chief one being that Dredd and Giant don't have proper gloves, just coloured hands. Click the pic for a closer look!

'Cos, y'see, some fans refer to 2000 AD by the abbreviation "Twoth"...